Kim Kardashian is an Offensive Vision in White of the Day

Kim Kardashian is the worst. She the person most closest to hell. The only explanation for her success is that she sold her fucking soul to the devil because she has no official talent or reason to be famous, but shes making 100s of millions of dollars. Shes not even hot, shes fat, lazy, boringshes not good at fucking or interesting to watch, shes not funny, smart or clever, yet shes this marketing machine that people pay tons of money to face their brand.

The shit makes no sense, kind like this outfit, its like shes some plantation owners wife in the deep south in the 1940s, trying to look all euro and glamorous, all Hollywood, when we all know if this was the 1940s, shed be out back working the fields by sucking off the staff on their day offuntil being killed off by the KKK when she got caught.and the only thing glamorous about this trashy cunt is her bank account balance, everything else is bottom feeding scum of a human .

All this to say, she needs to be producing more porn.Im bored of this twatthey need a death in their family or some shit. Fat, vile, souless, horrible human..the jokes on us



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