Britney Spears Droopy Vagina in Concert of the Day
It amazes me that people go nuts over a panty flash of a gitl getting out of a car, or sitting at the table and you get a glimpse, and when a bitch like Britney intentionally flashes her panties, all stretched out from constant performances, or maybe thats just her vagina thats stretched out from constant uterus performances, no one bothers giving a fuck, and thats just not fair, Britneys handlers are using her as a puppet for you, crafting her into something that makes them money, but brings you joy via half nakedness, when really all we wanted to see was her self destruct, because I know the day I saw her shave her head down in public, that it was just a mater of time before she was pulling pussy puppet shows like the crazy street whore I once knew.and loved bringing to parties.instead shes just medicated and boring.half naked or not. Enjoy.