Katy Perrys Annoying Tranny Costume at the Smurfs Premiere of the DAy

Katy Perry is fucking ridiculous.

Shes wearing the kind of dress Id expect to see on a transexual club kid going to the Smurf Premiere

Im talking some Amanda Lepore shitall glittery and ugly that makes no sense why someone like Katy Perry would wear it.

I mean I get shes crying for attention in a loud, tacky, glittery annoying waybut shit like this loses any/all sex appeal she may fucking have.at least for mebut then again she annoyed me so much with her music a while ago that I could never fall for her tits like the rest of the world did.

I thought after Sesame Street, shed know how to dress more erotically to these kid focused eventsI guess she remains nothing but a fucking let down


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