Kaley Cuoco Does The Wonder Woman of the Day

Oh godComicons started.that means tons of low level, nerd targeted actors are going to be dressed in nerd and comic book costumescuz its the easiest way to make a nerd cum in his nerd pantsI mean that and holding his nerd handbut who wants to deal with that layer of nerd virgin semen.

I am not a comic book fan, friend, lover, or collector. I hate the shit, and prefer real life, not aspirational characters I wish I was like so that girls would sleep with me and my spandex suit cuz I save the fucking world and can turn nipples to ice and stop time and shit

It is stupid to mebut it is such a huge market, these people are loyal fucking consumers, so if I maybe it is stupid of me for not being at the event causing raukus.but my fear of these virgin loser collectors coupled with my severe lack of motivation keep me here

Heres Kaley Cuoco from that nerd TV show, dressed in nerd shit, hopefully keeping them top rated, thanks to the nerds.


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