LeAnn Rimes Amazing Body of the Day

LeAnn Rimes gets a lot of hate.but shes single handedly got the best emaciated body with shitty fake tits in country music.this is a prime example of a bible belt icon showing the bible belt how flawed their system is.this is some meth looking, porn slut, ready to take multiple dicks who once sang christmas carols with some evangilistit is amazing at how much truth this bitch brings to a world so close minded and uneducated.racist hicks everywhere who home school their kids and take them to Jesus Camp must be burning LeAnn Rimes CDs, posters and dolls by the fucking dozencuz shes wronged them so.and I just think shes a better role model then everbut only because I hate fat chicks and believe every girl deserves the chance to experiment with eating disorders so that they too can end up on TV and in Magazines like good old country girl LeAnn.


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