Julianne Hough Non-Nude Publicity Stunt of the Day

Here are some twitter pics of Julianne Hough that they are marketing as cellphone hacksthat are an inside job cuz thats how people get attention these days.and its fucking lame.

Point is I saw this coming a mile away, anyone who fronts as Ryan Seacrests girlfriend is an attention whoreyou know cuz hes gay and theres a transaction going on that is usually involving them getting more famous

He is the guy behind the Kardashians.he gets the machine and I wish this was a sex tape leak cuz I prefer seeing people fuck.than these shitty pics

But Im posting them anywayand here she is trying to become a household name.

Where are the nudes??? The closest thing to funny is the mustache she rocks for seacrest to take that mustache ride

What a shitty whore..


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