eHarmony Debbie and Her Love For Cats is a Lie of the Day
I wasnt on the internet this weekend, only because I was getting so fucking drunk that my nervous system is still fucked, shaking, confused, nightmares of losing my last remaining teeth, you get what Im saying.
But I did log into facebook at least once, looking for internet pussy, to make it all okay, and this video from June 3 was making the rounds. I saw it 10 times in 3 minutes, clicked through to see it had 4 million views, that have become 5,000,000 views, and Ill tell you this, as funny a concept as shitty, creepy dating site videos is, this is totally fake, staged and a hired actor.
If you think otherwise, youre an idiot.
Its gotta be her school project for her MBA or maybe her acting reel, or something, anything thats not legit.
Now lets get on with our dayand stop posting this on my facebook feedit makes me want to cut the bitch with my dick.
To See The Video