Well, the more we talk about the off-screen chemistry between Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor, the less!! The pair which created ripples with their sizzling on-screen chemistry in Kaminey went on to create more news with their romance. So, it did not come as a surprise that Piggie Chops name had constantly been guessed about for the female lead ever since Kunal Kohli announced his next directorial venture with Shahid Kapoor in the lead. Though Kunal was upset with PC for not giving dates for one of his past projects with Saif Ali Khan, he again went up to this talented actress seeking her nod for the new project. While both Kunal and Shahid remained tight-lipped about it initially, the news is now finally out. Yes, Priyanka Chopra will be the one opposite Shahid in this love story. Confirming the same, Kunal tweeted, Priyanka Chopra will star opposite Shahid Kapoor in my next film. Pritam is the music director. Lyrics by Prasoon Joshi. On the toher hand, a very diploma...